Saturday October 05, 2024
600 He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought! 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
406 Now the Day Is Over 0 likes
570 Faith of Our Fathers! 0 likes
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
150 The Law of God Is Good and Wise 0 likes
110 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah 9 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
670 If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 28, 2024
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
184 The King of Love My Shepherd Is 0 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
42 El-Shaddai 0 likes
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 14, 2024
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
110 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah 9 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
96 Unto the Hills 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
539 Jerusalem the Golden 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 24, 2024
123 God of Everlasting Glory 0 likes
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
75 O Father, You Are Sovereign 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
498 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! 0 likes
684 My Times Are in Thy Hand 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 11, 2024
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
420 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
650 I Will Sing of My Redeemer 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 04, 2024
85 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
338 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
574 Christian, Dost Thou See Them 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
248 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 1 like
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
711 God the All-Terrible! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 27, 2024
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
339 For Your Gift of God the Spirit 9 likes
644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 20, 2024
604 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 0 likes
351 Built on the Rock the Church Doth Stand 0 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
245 As Jacob with Travel Was Weary One Day 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
339 For Your Gift of God the Spirit 9 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 06, 2024
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
188 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting 9 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
339 For Your Gift of God the Spirit 9 likes
739 Twofold Amen 9 likes
281 I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah! 9 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 23, 2024
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
496 Kind and Merciful God, We Have Sinned 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 16, 2024
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
189 Jesus Loves Me, This I Know 9 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
110 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah 9 likes
724 The Ten Commandments 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
382 God Himself Is with Us 0 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 09, 2024
562 All to Jesus I Surrender 0 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
3 Give to Our God Immortal Praise 12 likes
198 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates! 0 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
69 Thy God Reigneth! 0 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 17, 2024
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
386 God Be with You Till We Meet Again 0 likes
573 Am I a Soldier of the Cross 0 likes
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
693 Blessed Assurance 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
648 My Jesus, I Love Thee 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
69 Thy God Reigneth! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 10, 2024
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
679 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
692 To You, O Lord, I Fly 0 likes
327 One Day He's Coming 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 03, 2024
528 My Faith Looks Up to Thee 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
2 O Worship the King 10 likes
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
167 When Morning Gilds the Skies 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 27, 2024
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
3 Give to Our God Immortal Praise 12 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
146 Break Thou the Bread of Life 0 likes
580 Lead On, O King Eternal 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
604 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 16, 2023
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
226 As with Gladness Men of Old 0 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
213 What Child Is This 0 likes
311 Hail to the Lord's Anointed 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
199 See, amid the Winter's Snow 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 09, 2023
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
221 Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming 1 like
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
108 Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right 0 likes
211 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 0 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
214 Angels We Have Heard on High 0 likes
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
200 It Came upon the Midnight Clear 0 likes
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 02, 2023
80 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee 0 likes
252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
496 Kind and Merciful God, We Have Sinned 9 likes
79 My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me? 0 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
213 What Child Is This 0 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 11, 2023
98 Now Thank We All Our God 1 like
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
200 It Came upon the Midnight Clear 0 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
382 God Himself Is with Us 0 likes
7 From All That Dwell below the Skies 9 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
670 If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 04, 2023
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
580 Lead On, O King Eternal 0 likes
221 Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming 1 like
358 For All the Saints 1 like
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
477 Are You Weary, Are You Languid 0 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 07, 2023
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
122 God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory 0 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
164 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 1 like
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
699 Like a River Glorious 0 likes
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
679 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 23, 2023
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
164 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 1 like
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Friday May 19, 2023
302 Come, Christians, Join to Sing 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
2 O Worship the King 10 likes
210 Silent Night! Holy Night! 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
386 God Be with You Till We Meet Again 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 13, 2023
542 Who Are These like Stars Appearing 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
386 God Be with You Till We Meet Again 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 06, 2023
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
338 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
688 Have Thine Own Way, Lord! 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
496 Kind and Merciful God, We Have Sinned 9 likes
101 Come, Thou Almighty King 0 likes
503 Out of My Bondage, Sorrow, and Night 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
508 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 29, 2023
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0 likes
4 All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above 10 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
302 Come, Christians, Join to Sing 0 likes
86 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
539 Jerusalem the Golden 1 like
597 Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire 0 likes
152 The Law of the Lord Is Perfect 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 22, 2023
281 I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah! 9 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
274 Thine Be the Glory 0 likes
568 In the Hour of Trial 0 likes
101 Come, Thou Almighty King 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
645 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
498 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
207 Good Christian Men, Rejoice 0 likes
356 How Beautiful the Sight 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 15, 2023
472 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched 1 like
75 O Father, You Are Sovereign 0 likes
699 Like a River Glorious 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
57 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
501 Just As I Am, without One Plea 0 likes
39 O God, Most Holy Are Your Ways 0 likes
600 He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought! 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
609 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 01, 2023
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
152 The Law of the Lord Is Perfect 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
260 Were You There? 0 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
86 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 25, 2023
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
302 Come, Christians, Join to Sing 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
39 O God, Most Holy Are Your Ways 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
80 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 18, 2023
545 When This Passing World Is Done 0 likes
263 Lift High the Cross 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 25, 2023
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
693 Blessed Assurance 0 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
669 Commit Now All Your Griefs 0 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
605 All the Way My Savior Leads Me 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 11, 2023
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
172 Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder 0 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
316 The Mighty God, the Lord 0 likes
171 Fairest Lord Jesus 1 like
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
501 Just As I Am, without One Plea 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
483 We Sing the Glorious Conquest 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 04, 2023
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
472 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched 1 like
600 He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought! 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
688 Have Thine Own Way, Lord! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 28, 2023
684 My Times Are in Thy Hand 0 likes
567 Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray 0 likes
650 I Will Sing of My Redeemer 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
693 Blessed Assurance 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
568 In the Hour of Trial 0 likes
248 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 1 like
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 21, 2023
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
86 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
57 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
693 Blessed Assurance 0 likes
283 Alleluia! Alleluia! 0 likes
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
306 Jesus, My Great High Priest 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
110 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah 9 likes
117 The Spacious Firmament on High 0 likes
235 All Glory, Laud, and Honor 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 10, 2022
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
214 Angels We Have Heard on High 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
227 On Christmas Night All Christians Sing 0 likes
210 Silent Night! Holy Night! 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
616 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Thursday December 08, 2022
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
224 Go, Tell It on the Mountain 0 likes
221 Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming 1 like
218 Angels, from the Realms of Glory 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
213 What Child Is This 0 likes
210 Silent Night! Holy Night! 0 likes
189 Jesus Loves Me, This I Know 9 likes
201 O Little Town of Bethlehem 0 likes
200 It Came upon the Midnight Clear 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
Saturday November 12, 2022
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
462 Grace! 'Tis a Charming Sound 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
82 Great God of Wonders! 1 like
715 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 0 likes
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
108 Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right 0 likes
363 We Gather Together 0 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
51 O Jehovah, Hear My Words 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 05, 2022
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
442 Arise, O God 0 likes
334 Breathe on Me, Breath of God 0 likes
283 Alleluia! Alleluia! 0 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
327 One Day He's Coming 0 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
363 We Gather Together 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
338 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 29, 2022
545 When This Passing World Is Done 0 likes
45 Now unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
717 Blest the Man That Fears Jehovah 0 likes
325 When He Cometh, When He Cometh 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 22, 2022
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
218 Angels, from the Realms of Glory 0 likes
51 O Jehovah, Hear My Words 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
717 Blest the Man That Fears Jehovah 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
715 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 08, 2022
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
449 We Rest on Thee 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
103 Holy God, We Praise Your Name 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 01, 2022
356 How Beautiful the Sight 0 likes
441 Jesus Shall Reign 0 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
363 We Gather Together 0 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
518 Christ, of All My Hopes the Ground 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 24, 2022
545 When This Passing World Is Done 0 likes
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
500 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
103 Holy God, We Praise Your Name 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
386 God Be with You Till We Meet Again 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 17, 2022
214 Angels We Have Heard on High 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
449 We Rest on Thee 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
248 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 1 like
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
477 Are You Weary, Are You Languid 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
662 As the Hart Longs for Flowing Streams 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 10, 2022
520 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness 0 likes
140 O Word of God Incarnate 0 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
508 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 1 like
266 Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
4 All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above 10 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 03, 2022
98 Now Thank We All Our God 1 like
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
180 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 27, 2022
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
112 Praise Ye, Praise Ye the Lord 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
184 The King of Love My Shepherd Is 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
110 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 20, 2022
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
734 Gloria Patri 0 likes
80 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee 0 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
184 The King of Love My Shepherd Is 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Friday May 13, 2022
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
275 The Strife Is O're, the Battle Done 0 likes
84 Under the Care of My God, the Almighty 0 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
240 The King of Glory Comes 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
386 God Be with You Till We Meet Again 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 07, 2022
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
180 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
600 He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought! 0 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
545 When This Passing World Is Done 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 30, 2022
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
582 Yield Not to Temptation 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 23, 2022
263 Lift High the Cross 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
12 Exalt the Lord, His Praise Proclaim 10 likes
682 In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
155 O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High! 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 26, 2022
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
616 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 0 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
180 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
84 Under the Care of My God, the Almighty 0 likes
2 O Worship the King 10 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 12, 2022
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
571 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
31 Have You Not Known, Have You Not Heard 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 19, 2022
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
528 My Faith Looks Up to Thee 0 likes
85 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
180 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 0 likes
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
536 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
742 The Apostles' Creed 0 likes
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 12, 2022
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
503 Out of My Bondage, Sorrow, and Night 0 likes
281 I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah! 9 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
536 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
108 Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 05, 2022
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
722 O Perfect Love 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
549 By the Sea of Crystal 0 likes
131 Children of the Heavenly Father 0 likes
644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 0 likes
536 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase 0 likes
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 29, 2022
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
571 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 0 likes
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
248 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 1 like
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 22, 2022
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
355 We Are God's People 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
180 I Will Sing the Wondrous Story 0 likes
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
42 El-Shaddai 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 13, 2021
108 Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right 0 likes
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
109 Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
699 Like a River Glorious 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 30, 2021
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
302 Come, Christians, Join to Sing 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
34 The God of Abraham Praise 0 likes
392 O Day of Rest and Gladness 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 09, 2021
572 Onward, Christian Soldiers 0 likes
40 God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength 0 likes
240 The King of Glory Comes 0 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
392 O Day of Rest and Gladness 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
82 Great God of Wonders! 1 like
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 02, 2021
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
600 He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought! 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
109 Lord, My Weak Thought in Vain Would Climb 0 likes
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
392 O Day of Rest and Gladness 0 likes
420 At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
650 I Will Sing of My Redeemer 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 25, 2021
310 Rejoice, the Lord Is King 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
547 With Harps and with Viols 0 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
497 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
179 Hallelujah! Thine the Glory 0 likes
742 The Apostles' Creed 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
552 From out the Depths I Cry, O Lord, to Thee 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 18, 2021
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
179 Hallelujah! Thine the Glory 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 11, 2021
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
101 Come, Thou Almighty King 0 likes
226 As with Gladness Men of Old 0 likes
355 We Are God's People 0 likes
90 The Man Who Once Has Found Abode 0 likes
497 I Need Thee, Precious Jesus 0 likes
179 Hallelujah! Thine the Glory 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
215 While by the Sheep We Watched at Night 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 04, 2021
42 El-Shaddai 0 likes
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
179 Hallelujah! Thine the Glory 0 likes
536 Searcher of Hearts, from Mine Erase 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 28, 2021
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
146 Break Thou the Bread of Life 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
179 Hallelujah! Thine the Glory 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
551 How Blest Is He Whose Trespass 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 21, 2021
274 Thine Be the Glory 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
131 Children of the Heavenly Father 0 likes
163 At the Name of Jesus 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 20, 2021
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
274 Thine Be the Glory 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
422 Twas on That Night When Doomed to Know 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 13, 2021
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 06, 2021
263 Lift High the Cross 0 likes
574 Christian, Dost Thou See Them 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
146 Break Thou the Bread of Life 0 likes
562 All to Jesus I Surrender 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
472 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 27, 2021
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
197 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
686 Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord 0 likes
571 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 0 likes
679 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 20, 2021
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
616 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 0 likes
617 My Anchor Holds 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 13, 2021
616 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 0 likes
355 We Are God's People 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
481 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 0 likes
531 Savior, Blessed Savior 0 likes
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
40 God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 06, 2021
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
662 As the Hart Longs for Flowing Streams 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
692 To You, O Lord, I Fly 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 14, 2020
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
251 Beneath the Cross of Jesus 0 likes
715 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 0 likes
714 We Plow the Fields 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
207 Good Christian Men, Rejoice 0 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
197 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 07, 2020
152 The Law of the Lord Is Perfect 0 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 31, 2020
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
167 When Morning Gilds the Skies 0 likes
2 O Worship the King 10 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 24, 2020
2 O Worship the King 10 likes
463 A Debtor to Mercy Alone 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 0 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 17, 2020
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
625 Tell Me the Old, Old Story 0 likes
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 10, 2020
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
1 All People That on Earth Do Dwell 13 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
164 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 1 like
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 03, 2020
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
310 Rejoice, the Lord Is King 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 26, 2020
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
501 Just As I Am, without One Plea 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
461 Not What My Hands Have Done 0 likes
699 Like a River Glorious 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 19, 2020
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
103 Holy God, We Praise Your Name 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
406 Now the Day Is Over 0 likes
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 12, 2020
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
260 Were You There? 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
498 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 05, 2020
529 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 1 like
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 29, 2020
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
674 I Need Thee Every Hour 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
237 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty! 0 likes
207 Good Christian Men, Rejoice 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
559 Father, I Know That All My Life 0 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 22, 2020
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
537 Take Time to Be Holy 0 likes
499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
656 Jesus, Priceless Treasure 9 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
539 Jerusalem the Golden 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday March 14, 2020
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
152 The Law of the Lord Is Perfect 0 likes
618 His Eye Is on the Sparrow 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 22, 2020
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
255 O Jesus, We Adore Thee 0 likes
693 Blessed Assurance 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
537 Take Time to Be Holy 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
331 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit 0 likes
598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 15, 2020
187 There Were Ninety and Nine 0 likes
347 The Church's One Foundation 11 likes
472 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched 1 like
331 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit 0 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
478 I Love to Tell the Story 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 08, 2020
57 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah, O My Soul 0 likes
552 From out the Depths I Cry, O Lord, to Thee 0 likes
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
498 Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! 0 likes
499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
679 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 0 likes
331 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday February 01, 2020
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
189 Jesus Loves Me, This I Know 9 likes
274 Thine Be the Glory 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
616 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms 0 likes
731 Doxology 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
331 Come, O Come, Thou Quickening Spirit 0 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday January 25, 2020
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
521 My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less 0 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
586 Take My Life, and Let It Be 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
448 We Have Heard the Joyful Sound 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
690 I Know That My Redeemer Lives 0 likes
644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
252 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 14, 2019
501 Just As I Am, without One Plea 0 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
673 Cast Your Burden on the Lord 0 likes
193 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 like
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
629 What a Friend We Have in Jesus 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
218 Angels, from the Realms of Glory 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Wednesday December 11, 2019
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
197 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 0 likes
207 Good Christian Men, Rejoice 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
218 Angels, from the Realms of Glory 0 likes
Tuesday December 10, 2019
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
218 Angels, from the Realms of Glory 0 likes
213 What Child Is This 0 likes
214 Angels We Have Heard on High 0 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
224 Go, Tell It on the Mountain 0 likes
196 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
201 O Little Town of Bethlehem 0 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday December 07, 2019
296 All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 0 likes
201 O Little Town of Bethlehem 0 likes
211 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 0 likes
213 What Child Is This 0 likes
317 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying 0 likes
214 Angels We Have Heard on High 0 likes
221 Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming 1 like
208 O Come, All Ye Faithful 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
200 It Came upon the Midnight Clear 0 likes
224 Go, Tell It on the Mountain 0 likes
225 Once in Royal David's City 0 likes
194 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 0 likes
234 Tell Me the Story of Jesus 0 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 16, 2019
715 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come 0 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
247 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 9 likes
363 We Gather Together 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
85 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
307 Nothing but the Blood 0 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
679 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
224 Go, Tell It on the Mountain 0 likes
167 When Morning Gilds the Skies 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 09, 2019
42 El-Shaddai 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
230 Thou Who Wast Rich beyond All Splendor 1 like
338 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
204 Away in a Manger 0 likes
197 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 0 likes
203 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
129 I Belong to Jesus 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday November 02, 2019
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
552 From out the Depths I Cry, O Lord, to Thee 0 likes
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
246 Man of Sorrows! What a Name 1 like
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
120 All Things Bright and Beautiful 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
115 All Creatures of Our God and King 0 likes
188 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting 9 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 26, 2019
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
183 Awake, My Soul, in Joyful Lays 0 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
509 Jesus, Lover of My Soul 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
472 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched 1 like
460 Amazing Grace! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 12, 2019
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
520 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness 0 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
55 To God Be the Glory 9 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
466 I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew 0 likes
666 In Silence My Soul Is Waiting 0 likes
389 This Is the Day the Lord Has Made 0 likes
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
188 Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting 9 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
307 Nothing but the Blood 0 likes
641 How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday October 05, 2019
122 God, All Nature Sings Thy Glory 0 likes
402 Abide with Me: Fast Falls the Eventide 12 likes
727 Lead Me, Lord, Lead Me in Thy Righteousness 0 likes
125 Let All Things Now Living 0 likes
598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 0 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
493 We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 0 likes
26 Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord 9 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 28, 2019
372 Praise Waits for Thee in Zion 0 likes
53 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
305 Arise, My Soul, Arise 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
85 The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
253 There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood 10 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
183 Awake, My Soul, in Joyful Lays 0 likes
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 21, 2019
277 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
25 O Light That Knew No Dawn 9 likes
170 Fairest Lord Jesus 0 likes
465 Marvelous Grace of Our Loving Lord 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
164 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing 1 like
44 How Great Thou Art 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
469 How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place 1 like
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 14, 2019
248 Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended 1 like
707 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken 0 likes
598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
666 In Silence My Soul Is Waiting 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
87 The Lord's MyShepherd, I'll Not Want 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday September 07, 2019
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
479 Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling 0 likes
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
677 Praise the Savior, Ye Who Know Him! 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
30 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past 11 likes
271 Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem 0 likes
111 This Is My Father's World 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
541 When the Roll Is Called up Yonder 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 31, 2019
75 O Father, You Are Sovereign 0 likes
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
708 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
195 Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come 0 likes
308 Jesus Paid It All 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
26 Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord 9 likes
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
436 Zion, Founded on the Mountains 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday August 24, 2019
197 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People 0 likes
672 Trust and Obey 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
558 That Man Is Blest Who, Fearing God 0 likes
381 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
688 Have Thine Own Way, Lord! 0 likes
100 Holy, Holy, Holy! 0 likes
128 God Moves in a Mysterious Way 10 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
345 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 0 likes
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Friday May 17, 2019
116 For the Beauty of the Earth 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
162 Of the Father's Love Begotten 0 likes
700 Come, We That Love the Lord 0 likes
549 By the Sea of Crystal 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
71 Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now 9 likes
644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 0 likes
642 Be Thou My Vision 12 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 11, 2019
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
343 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation 0 likes
295 Crown Him with Many Crowns 0 likes
689 Be Still, My Soul 10 likes
540 A Few More Years Shall Roll 0 likes
94 How Firm a Foundation 0 likes
182 My Song Is Love Unknown 1 like
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
75 O Father, You Are Sovereign 0 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
359 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 12 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday May 04, 2019
634 Sweet Hour of Prayer 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
705 I Know Whom I Have Believed 1 like
463 A Debtor to Mercy Alone 0 likes
32 Great Is Thy Faithfulness 10 likes
103 Holy God, We Praise Your Name 0 likes
585 Take My Life, and Let It Be 1 like
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
358 For All the Saints 1 like
573 Am I a Soldier of the Cross 0 likes
499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
579 Dare to Be a Daniel! 0 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 27, 2019
558 That Man Is Blest Who, Fearing God 0 likes
457 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 0 likes
700 Come, We That Love the Lord 0 likes
701 Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! 0 likes
499 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 0 likes
264 Jesus, Keep Me near the Cross 0 likes
38 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise 0 likes
455 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 10 likes
631 From Every Stormy Wind That Blows 1 like
676 Day by Day and with Each Passing Moment 0 likes
644 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
546 The Sands of Time Are Sinking 4 likes
76 Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven 2 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes
Saturday April 20, 2019
598 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 0 likes
257 Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 0 likes
254 Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed 0 likes
691 It Is Well with My Soul 1 like
281 I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Glory, Hallelujah! 9 likes
467 Wonderful Grace of Jesus 1 like
235 All Glory, Laud, and Honor 0 likes
261 What Wondrous Love Is This 9 likes
92 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 0 likes
535 O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus! 0 likes
119 I Sing the Almighty Power of God 0 likes
307 Nothing but the Blood 0 likes
660 O God beyond All Praising 0 likes
650 I Will Sing of My Redeemer 0 likes
276 Up from the Grave He Arose 9 likes
297 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name! 11 likes
401 All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night 11 likes